新概念英语1:Lesson 57 & 58 笔记


Lesson57 单词讲解

❥❥  o' clock  [ə'klɒk] adv. 点钟

I'll meet you at the coffee shop at three o'clock.
The movie starts at eight o'clock.
clock [klɒk]  n. 时钟

alarm clock n. 闹钟

❥❥ shop [ʃɒp] n. 商店 (通常是指小型零售店或特定的商店)

I'm going to the shop to buy some milk.我要去商店买点牛奶。
coffee shop 咖啡店
toy shop  玩具店
bookshop: 书店 =bookstore
flower shop: 花店
gift shop 礼品店
shop online  网购
window shopping 逛商店;看橱窗
同义词:store n. 商店
其他:supermarket  ['suːpəmɑːkɪt]  超市
convenience store: 便利店
grocery store: 杂货店
❥❥ moment ['məʊmənt] n. 片刻;瞬间
wait a moment/just a moment 等一下= wait a minute
at the moment 此刻
Wait a moment, I need to tie my shoe. (等一下,我需要系鞋带。)
I'm listening to my favorite song at the moment. (目前我正在听我最喜欢的歌曲。)
I'm cooking dinner for my family at the moment. (目前我正在为我的家人做晚饭。)
❥❥ unusual [ʌn'juːʒuəl]  adj. 不寻常的
构成: 【un】+【usual】
The flower has an unusual shape. 这朵花的形状很不寻常。 
He asks his teacher an unusual question.
反义词: 【usual】通常的,寻常的
My usual bedtime is nine o'clock.

as usual 像往常一样;照例

As usual, he goes to school at 7 o'clock.
happy 快乐的-unhappy 不快乐的
kind 友善的-unkind 不友善的
fair 公平的-unfair 不公平的
healthy 健康的-unhealthy 不健康的
tidy整洁的-untidy 不整洁的
welcome 受欢迎的- unwelcome 不受欢迎的
interesting 有趣的-uninteresting 不有趣的
❥❥ play 
1). v. 玩,做游戏
The children are playing in the garden. 孩子们正在花园里玩耍。
2). v. 参加(体育活动、比赛等);
Let's play chess! 咱们来下棋吧!
He likes playing basketball. 他喜欢打蓝球。
play with 和...一起玩  
Don't play with that dog.
play +运动、棋类
play sports 进行体育运动 (=do sports)
play football 踢足球
play basketball 打篮球
play ping-pong 打乒乓球
play badminton 打羽毛球
play golf 打高尔夫球
play chess 下(国际)象棋
play + the+ 乐器 
play the pipa 弹琵琶
play the piano 弹钢琴
play the guitar 弹吉他

Lesson 57 课文讲解

1. It is eight o'clock.现在是8点钟。
在英语中常用it 来指时间、天气、温度或距离。这种it 被称作“虚主语”。
It is already 9 o'clock. (已经是9点了。)
It is getting late. (时间已经不早了。)
It is cloudy today. (今天多云。)
It is sunny and warm. (天气晴朗,暖洋洋的。)
2. The children go to school by car every day, but today, they are going to school on foot. 孩子们每天都乘小汽车上学,而今天,他们正步行去上学。
by car 乘汽车
on foot 步行
用“by+交通工具"表示交通方式。如: by bike, by bus, by car, by plane, by train, by subway等。但是,“步行"用on foot, 而不是by foot。如:
They go to school by subway every day.他们每天乘地铁去上学。
I usually go to work by bike. (我通常骑自行车去上班。)
How do you go to work? 
She usually goes to work on foot. (她通常步行去上班。)
by car: 乘坐汽车
by bus: 乘坐公交车
by train: 乘坐火车
by plane: 乘坐飞机
by bike: 骑自行车
by subway: 乘坐地铁= by underground 
by taxi: 打出租车
by ship 乘轮船
3. stay at home 呆在家里
4. At the moment, they are playing in the garden. 此刻,他们正在花园里玩。
at the moment 指眼前,“此刻”,相当于now, 时态需要用到现在进行时。
5. this morning 今天上午
this afternoon 今天下午
this evening  今天晚上
注意:前面不需要使用介词,不能说“on this morning”。
6. do their homework
read his newspaper
这里加上了 " their", "his" 来强调是哪个人的事情
7. At the moment, he's reading an interesing book. 此刻,他正在看一本有趣的书。
interesting 有趣的
uninteresting 无趣的

Lesson 57 语法讲解
一般现在时 VS 现在进行时
  1.  概念不同:
    She often does her homework in the evening. 她经常在晚上做作业.
She is doing her homework now. 现在她正在做作业.
She works very hard most of the time. 她大多工作努力。
She is working hard today. 她今天工作很努力。 
2. 构成方式不同:
一般现在时:主语+am/is/are; 主语+v
3. 时间状语不同
一般现在时:always,usually,often,sometimes,never,every day,on              Sundays,in the morning/afternoon/evening
现在进行时:now, at the moment, this afteroon, this evening, tonight ,this week, these days等。
We play football in the afternoon.我们在下午踢足球。(一般现在时) My mother is watching TV now.  .我妈妈正在看电视。(现在进行时)
Look, the girl is dancing in the classroom. (现在进行时)
I usually have lunch at 12:00. But I am having lunch now at 2:00. 
4. 用语范围不同
某种表示情感、意识(如want,like,know 等);表示“有”的have 等动词,一般不用于现在进行时,但可用于一般现在时.如:
误:I am wantingto go home now.
正:I want to go home now.
误:He is having a computer.
正:He has a computer.

Lesson 58 重点句型
What's the time?
=What time is it?
回答:It is +时间
What's the time?
➡️It's one o'clock.



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