新概念英语1:Lesson 55 & 56 笔记


Lesson 55 单词讲解

❥❥ live  [lɪv]  v.活着;居住;过着

1). 居住;生活  (表示长期居住)

live +  at +小地点 (例如:国家,城市)

live  +in + 大地点 (例如:街道)

I live in Hefei.  我住在合肥。

The Sawyers live at 87 King Street.


2).  活;生存

People cannot live without air.


My grandmother lived until she was 102. 


3). live a/an... life    过着......的生活

live a healthy life 过着健康的生活

live a happy life 过着快乐的生活

live a simple life 过着简单的生活

❥❥ stay  [steɪ]  v. 停留;逗留;保持

1). 呆在,停留

stay at home 呆在家里

She stays at home every day. 她每天都呆在家中。

2). 逗留;暂住

We are staying at the same hotel. 我们住在同一家酒店。

3). 保持

stay hungry, stay foolish .求知若饥,虚心若愚。

The door stays open. 门就这么开着。


拓展:stay 和 keep 都有“保持” 的意思。

✅ 单词 “stay” 指 “保持原有的状态”,它常和形容词搭配使用,比如:保持积极的心态stay positive;保持年轻 stay young;


✅ “keep” 则强调主动地做一件事来保持某种状态


Could you keep quiet, please? 你能安静点吗?(原来不安静,希望安静)

I want to keep fit. 我想通过锻炼身体保持健康。

Keep your desk clean. 保持你的课桌干净。


❥❥ arrive  [ə'raɪv]   v. 到达

I will arrive at the airport at 3pm. 我将在下午3点到达机场。

She will arrive in New York tomorrow. 她明天将到达纽约。

arrive in  + 大地点

arrive at  + 小地点

❥❥ home [həʊm]  n. 家;adv. 在家,到家

stay at home 呆在家里

be at home 在家

homework 家庭作业

homeland 祖国


❥❥ housework ['haʊswɜːk] n.家务

I usually do housework on weekends. (我通常在周末做家务。)

do some housework/homework 做一些家务事/家庭作业


❥❥ lunch  [lʌntʃ]   n. 午饭

breakfast 早饭

dinner/supper 晚饭

eat/have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper

meal n. 一餐

❥❥ afternoon   [ˌɑːftə'nuːn]  n. 下午

after  ['ɑːftə ]  在 ... 以后

noon n. 正午;中午


❥❥ evening ['iːvnɪŋ]  n. 晚上;傍晚

an evening dress  一件晚礼服

❥❥ night [naɪt] n. 夜间

in the morning/afteroon/evening 在早上/中午/晚上

at night  在夜里

Good night !  晚安! 

Good evening ! 晚上好! 

❥❥  usually  ['juːʒuəli]   adv. 通常

usual adj. 平常的

unusual   adj. 异常的;独特的;与众不同的

❥❥  together  [tə'ɡeðə ]  adv. 共同;一起

Let's go home together. 让我们一起回家吧。

The twin boys always go to school together. 这对双胞胎男孩总是一起上学。

Lesson55 课文讲解

  1. The Sawyers live at 87 King Street. 索耶一家住在国王街87号。

    1). the Sawyers 是指索耶一家。在英文中,姓氏后面加s, 前面加定冠词the, 用来指一家人,特别是丈夫和妻子。

    the Sawyers 还可以说:the Sawyer family

    The Browns always have a big family dinner for Thanksgiving.



    the +姓氏+ family= the +姓氏+s

    the Lee family= the Lees



【题目】____ the Browns swimming in the sea?



2) . 我们在写中文地址的时候,是按照国家、城市、区、街道、小区、楼号、单元号、门牌号的顺序来写的,是由大到小



Room 304, Unit 2, No.15 South Caihong Road, Yinzhou District, Ningbo, China


8 Haidian Road, Haidian District, Beijing


2. 需要掌握的动词短语:

go to work 去上班 

go to school  去上学

go to bed 去睡觉

请注意:work, school 以及 bed 之前不带任何冠词

take sb. to... 送某人去......

stay at home  呆在家里 (与 stay home  在意思上相差无几。前者中的home 是名词,后者中的home 是副词)

see one's friend  见朋友

come home from school 放学回家

come home from work 下班回家

read newspaper 看报纸

watch television 看电视


I go to work at 8 am every day. (我每天早上8点去上班。)

She stays at home and watches TV when she's sick. (当她生病时,她呆在家里看电视。)

He takes his son to school every morning. (他每天早上送儿子上学。)

I come home from work at around 6 pm. (我大约在下午6点下班回家。)

She sees her friends every weekend. (她每个周末都会见朋友。)

They come home from school together every day. (他们每天一起放学回家。)

He reads  newspaper every morning with his coffee. (他每天早上喝咖啡的时候读报纸。)

I usually go to bed at 10 pm. (我通常在晚上10点睡觉。)

She watches television every night before going to bed. (她每天晚上睡觉前都会看电视。)

3. She always eats her lunch at noon.


 at noon 正午

4. They arrive home early.他们到家很早。

He arrives home late.他到家很晚。



She always arrive at school early.


My parents usually get up late at weekend.



Lesson 55 语法讲解

1. 名词的复数与动词的第三人称单数变化规则对比


I work at a coffee shop. (我在一家咖啡店工作。)

They always come to the park on Sundays. (他们总是在周日来公园。)

He doesn't like spicy food. (他不喜欢辣的食物。)

We live in Hefei. (我们住在合肥。)

The sun rises in the east. (太阳从东方升起。)

She studies every night. (她每晚都学习。)

She reads books every day. (她每天读书。)

He plays basketball after work. (他下班后打篮球。)

They walk in the park every morning. (他们每天早上在公园散步。)

She drinks coffee in the morning. (她早上喝咖啡。)


2.  home 的用法

去学校:go to school    

去上班:go to work

去睡觉:go to bed

去上海:go to Shanghai

回家:go to home X

           go home ✓ (home 副词,不跟介词)

           stay at home (home 名词,可以跟介词)




go home 

arrive home

stay here

go there

come upstairs

go downstairs
