新概念英语第一册-单元Lesson 25 & 26单词和语法学习笔记


Lesson 25-26 单词讲解

 Mrs. [ˈmɪsɪz] (n.) - 夫人;太太;(用于已婚女子的姓氏前缀)

Mrs. Wang is a doctor. 王太太是一名医生。

Mr.(先生)Mr Chen 陈先生

Ms. 女士(已婚或未婚都可以,当你不敢确定某女子是已婚还是未婚时可以用)

Miss 未婚小姐  Miss Zhang 张小姐

❥ kitchen [ˈkɪtʃən] (n.) - 厨房

in the kitchen 在厨房

My mother is cooking in the kitchen. 我妈妈正在厨房里做饭。

❥  refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtə] (n.) - 冰箱  

fridge [frɪdʒ] 冰箱

The milk is in the refrigerator. 牛奶在冰箱里。

The refrigerator is full of food. 冰箱里塞满了食物。

❥ right [raɪt] (adj.) - 右边的;正确的

  all right 好的,可以

  on the right在右边  

  on the left 在左边

 The desk is on the right. 桌子在右边。

The answer is right. 答案是正确的。

❥  electric [ɪˈlektrɪk] (adj.) - 电的;电动的



   an electric cooker 电炊具

   an electric car 电动汽车

  an electric fan 电风扇

❥ left [left] (adj.) - 左边的

The pencil is on the left side of the notebook. 铅笔在笔记本左边。

The bus stop is on the left side of the street. 公交车站在街道左边。

❥ cooker [ˈkʊkər] (n.) - 炊具;炉灶  

  cook 厨师:烹饪

  We need to buy a new cooker. 我们需要买一个新的炉灶。 

  My mother is a great cook. 我妈妈是一个很棒的厨师。

  I can cook. 我会做饭。

❥ middle [ˈmɪdl] (adj.) - 中间的;中央的

in the middle of 在…..的中间

The table is in the middle of the room. 桌子在房间的中间。

❥ of [əv] (prep.) - ...的;由...构成的

off [ɒf]  离开;关闭

The color of the sky is blue. 天空的颜色是蓝色的。

a lot of - 很多

a piece of cake - 一件轻而易举的事

a friend of mine 我的一个朋友

a cup of tea 一杯茶

❥ room [ruːm] (n.) - 房间;空间

bedroom 卧室 ;living room  客厅

dining room 餐厅  bathroom 浴室

I’m in the room. 我在房间里。

❥ cup [kʌp] (n.) - 杯子

a cup of tea 一杯茶



复习:glass 玻璃杯 bottle瓶子 tin 罐头

The cups are in the cupboard. 杯子在碗柜里。

❥where [weər] (adv.) - 在哪里;到哪里

Where is the bathroom? 卫生间在哪里?

Girls, where are you? 姑娘们,你们在哪里?

派生:anywhere 在(或去)任何地方


        nowhere 任何地方都不

❥ in  [ɪn] prep. 在... 里

There is a book in the bag.  书包里有一本书。

Xu Xinyu lives in Hefei. 徐欣钰住在合肥。

three in one 三合一

in the morning/afternoon/evening 在早中晚

Lesson 25 课文讲解


1.   Mrs. Smith’s kitchen is small. 史密斯太太的厨房很小。


2.   描述物体的方式

There is …. in the kitchen.

The … is blue.

It is on the left.



There is a bed in the bedroom.

The bed is green.

It is in the middle of the room.

And it is vey clean.

所在位置:there be 句型

颜色:It is +颜色

具体位置:on the right/left, in the middle of

状态:It is clean/empty/large/small…

Lesson 25 语法讲解


1.   there be 句型与have/has

"there be"用于描述某物在某地的存在或出现,而"have"用于表示拥有或所有权。

There are six students in the class. (班里有六个学生。)

There is a big tree in the park. (公园里有一棵大树。)

There are many flowers in the garden. (花园里有很多花。)

There are two chairs in the room. 房间里有两把椅子。

there be 就近原则

There is a table and four chairs in the room.

There are four chairs and a table in the room.

There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.

There are some students and a teacher in the classroom.

I have a pencil. (我有一支铅笔。)

She has a doll. (她有一个玩具娃娃。)

They have a cat. (他们有一只猫。)

He has a bike. (他有一辆自行车。)

We have a ball. (我们有一个球。)

You have a book. (你有一本书。)

The boy has a kite. (男孩有一个风筝。)

The family has a car. (这个家庭有一辆汽车。)


2.   冠词用法复习

There is a refrigerator in the kitchen. The refrigerator is white.

There is an electric cooker in the kitchen. The cooker is blue.

There is a table in the middle of the room. The table is red.

There is a bottle on the table. The bottle is empty.





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