新概念英语第一册-单元Lesson 27 & 28单词和语法学习笔记


新概念英语第一册:Lesson 27-28 单词讲解

❥  living room  ['liviŋ ru:m]   n. 起居室; 客厅

Dad often watches TV in the living room. 爸爸常常在客厅看电视。

There is a big sofa in the living room. 客厅里有一张大沙发。

❥ near [nɪə]  prep. 靠近,在……附近

My home is near my school.  我的家离学校很近。

The television is near the table. 电视靠近桌子。

 window  ['wɪndəʊ] n. 窗户

Please close/shut the window. 请关上窗户。

wind   [wɪnd] n. 风

widow ['wɪdəʊ]  n. 寡妇

 armchair  ['ɑːmtʃeə ]  n. 扶手椅

arm 胳膊 + chair 椅子

armchair 可以放arm 的chair

❥ door [dɔː] n. 门

Please open the door. 请开门。

❥ picture ['pɪktʃə ] n. 照片,图画

     photo ['fəʊtəʊ]    n. 照片


I can draw a picture of grandpa.  我可以画一张爷爷的画像。

That's a picture of me as a baby. 这是一张我是宝宝时的照片。

wall  [wɔːl] n. 墙 

The Great Wall  长城

❥ trousers  ['traʊzəz]  n. 裤子 (英式)

a pair of trousers  一条裤子

shoes  ['ʃuːz] 鞋子

socks [sɑks] 袜子

gloves  [ɡ'lʌvz] 手套

glasses ['glɑːsɪz]  眼镜

jeans  [dʒiːnz]  牛仔裤

pants [pænts] 裤子,长裤(美国);内裤(英国)

shorts [ʃɔːts] 短裤


1.  Mrs. Smith's living room is large. 

这里large 也可以换成big 

a large/big house    一座大房子

a large/big playground 一个大操场

2.  There is a television in the room.

There are some magazines on the television. 

There is  a +单数名词

There are some+ 复数名词

3. The television is near the window. 

    The stereo is near the door. 

    The pictures are on the wall. 

near the window (door), 靠近窗(门),on the wall  在墙上,为介词短语,在本句中作表语。


新概念英语第一册:Lesson 27 语法讲解

1.  there be 结构变一般疑问句和否定句

❥ 要将 There Be 结构转换成一般疑问句,只需要将 be 动词提到句首即可。如有some, some 变为any 。

There is a book on the table. -> Is there a book on the table?

There are three cats in the room. -> Are there three cats in the room?

There are some birds in the tree . ->Are there any birds in the tree?

❥ 要将 There Be 结构转换成否定句,只需要在 be 动词后面加 not 即可。如有some, some 变为any 。

There is a book on the table. -> There is not a book on the table.

There are three cats in the room. -> There are not three cats in the room.

There are some birds in the tree . -> There aren't any birds in the tree. 


2.  there be 存在句型的复数形式的用法

There are (some/many )+ 复数名词

教室里有很多学生。There are many students in the classroom.

厨房里有两个苹果。There are two apples in the kitchen.

花园里有五朵花。There are five flowers in the garden.

公园里有三只狗。There are three dogs in the park.

桌子上有些书。There are some books on the table.

3. 复习some 和 any 的用法

4. 介词/介词短语作表语,表方位

❥ in(在……里面)

The food is in the fridge.(食物在冰箱里。)

The book is in the bag.(书在包里。)

❥ on(在……上面)

The picture is on the wall.(图片在墙上。)

The book is on the shelf.(书在书架上。)

❥ under(在……下面)

The shoes are under the bed.(鞋子在床下。)

The cat is under the table.(猫在桌子下面。)

❥ behind(在……后面)

The car is behind the building.(车在建筑物后面。)

The bookshelf is behind the sofa.(书架在沙发后面。)

❥ near(在……附近)

The school is near the park.(学校在公园附近。)

The hotel is near the airport.(酒店在机场附近。)

The bank is near the post office.(银行在邮局附近。)

❥ in front of(在……前面)

The dog is in front of the door.(狗在门前。)

There are two tall trees in front of the house. (房子前有两棵大树。)

❥ in the middle of(在……中间)

The table is in the middle of the room. ( 桌子在房间的中央。)

❥ next to(紧挨着)

The school is next to the park.(学校紧挨着公园。)

The cat is next to the dog.(猫在狗旁边。)

The coffee shop is next to the post office.(咖啡店就在邮局旁边。)

❥ between(在……之间)

The store is between the bank and the restaurant.(商店在银行和餐厅之间。)

Tuesday is  between  Monday and Wednesday. (星期二在星期一和星期三之间。)


❥ near和 next to 词语辨析

near 意味着两者之间有些距离,而 next to 则表示两者非常接近,几乎是挨在一起的。

❥ on 与 in 

on the tree  长在树上

in the tree  在树上

There is a bird in the tree. 树上有一只鸟。

There are many apples on the tree.  (苹果是长在树上的,用on)


There is a picture on the wall. 墙上挂着一幅画。

There is a window in the wall. 墙上有一个窗户。

There is a door in the wall.  墙上有一扇门。



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