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[新外研版三起点]五年级英语上册同步讲课视频教程全集(44讲 百度网盘下载)

[新外研版三起点]五年级英语上册同步讲课视频教程全集(44讲 百度网盘下载)-课程封面

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  • 课程简介本外研版三起点小学五年级英语上册同步讲课视频教程全集,由小学英语网课教师王晓君老师讲课,共44讲,为课本同步讲课视频(外语教学与研究出版社)详细讲解各章节知识点和章节小练习,王老师一直从事小学英语教学,授课经验丰富,讲解通俗易懂,欢迎各位小学5年级的同学们下载观看学习!可作为课先预习或课后复习资料!


        Module01 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday(1).flv
        Module01 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday(2).flv
        Module01 Unit2 We bought ice creams(1).flv
        Module01 Unit2 We bought ice creams(2).flv
        Module02 Unit1 What did you buy(1).flv
        Module02 Unit1 What did you buy(2).flv
        Module02 Unit2 How much cheese did you buy(1).flv
        Module02 Unit2 How much cheese did you buy(2).flv
        Module03 Unit1 Where did you go(1).flv
        Module03 Unit1 Where did you go(2).flv
        Module03 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father(1).flv
        Module03 Unit2 Daming took a photo of his father(2).flv
        Module04 Unit1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me(1).flv
        Module04 Unit1 Mum bought a new T-shirt for me(2).flv
        Module04 Unit2 What's the matter with Daming(1).flv
        Module04 Unit2 What's the matter with Daming(2).flv
        Module05 Unit1 There are only nineteen crayons(1).flv
        Module05 Unit1 There are only nineteen crayons(2).flv
        Module05 Unit2 There are forty(1).flv
        Module05 Unit2 There are forty(2).flv
        Module06 Unit1 You can pla yfootball well(1).flv
        Module06 Unit1 You can pla yfootball well(2).flv
        Module06 Unit2 He ran very fast(1).flv
        Module06 Unit2 He ran very fast(2).flv
        Module07 Unit1 He can't see(1).flv
        Module07 Unit1 He can't see(2).flv
        Module07 Unit2 This little girl can't walk(1).flv
        Module07 Unit2 This little girl can't walk(2).flv
        Module08 Unit1 What time does your school start(1).flv
        Module08 Unit1 What time does your school start(2).flv
        Module08 Unit2 Yesterday I went to Samand Amy's school(1).flv
        Module08 Unit2 Yesterday I went to Samand Amy's school(2).flv
        Module09 Unit1 Are you feeling bored(1).flv
        Module09 Unit1 Are you feeling bored(2).flv
        Module09 Unit2 I feel happy(1).flv
        Module09 Unit2 I feel happy(2).flv
        Module10 Unit1 He wasin the kitchen(1).flv
        Module10 Unit1 He wasin the kitchen(2).flv
        Module10 Unit2 Don't shout,please!(1).flv
        Module10 Unit2 Don't shout,please!(2).flv
        最后附加章节 (1)Review Module Unit1.flv
        最后附加章节 (2)Review Module Unit2.flv
        最后附加章节 (3)Reading for Pleasure The twins and the big surprise.flv
        最后附加章节 (4)Project Masks.flv






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